Classic, Vintage, Customized and New Automobiles and Bilkes.
Dwayne’s SHEE’s Custom Car Show

opportunity for the car enthusiast to showcase their beauty for
a worthy cause on a beautiful Saturday, October 26, located at
Carbide Park in La Marque, Texas. There were plenty of custom
cars, music by DJ Rene, food and a lot of socializing. The show
was to raise funds for the Thanksgivings Meal Giveaway held on
November 23, benefiting the Galveston County. The event is in
its 4th year sponsored by Dwaynes Auto Express in Hitchcock,
Texas and SHEEs an organization helping to build self-esteem
for long-term personal success. A 501 c(3) organization.
over images below for Zoom effect and click to see larger version.
Credit: Jamsource Runway Magazine
Bar & Grill Car Show