
leading poet and one of the architects of the Black Arts Movement,
Haki R. Madhubutipublisher, editor and educatorhas
been a pivotal figure in the development of a strong Black literary
tradition. He has published more than 31 books (some under his
former name, Don L. Lee) and is one of the worlds best-selling
authors of poetry and non-fiction.

Madhubuti is a proponent of independent Black institutions. He
founded Third World Press Foundation in 1967. He is also a founder
of the Institute of Positive Education/New Concept School (1969),
and a cofounder of Betty Shabazz International Charter School
(1998), Barbara A. Sizemore Middle School (2005), and DuSable
Leadership Academy (2005), all of which are in Chicago. Madhubuti
was founder and editor of Black Books Bulletin (1970-1994), a
key journal documenting the literature, scholarship and conversations
of African American voices for over two decades.
